Styrax Benzoin Absolute


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Styrax Benzoin Absolute is obtained from the Styrax Benzoin which is a member of the Styracaceae family. The evergreen shrub of styrax benzoin can grow up to 20 meters tall in height. Leaves of plant styrax benzoin are used to make this absolute. This wonderful and multipurpose styrax is obtained using the Solvent Extraction method. Usually, the color of this absolute can be amber-brown viscous liquid. Styrax benzoin absolute is made from things like Flowers, whose smell is more comfortable for our senses. The other well-known names of styrax benzoin are loban (in Arabic), kemenyan (in Indonesia and Malaysia), onycha, and Sumatra benzoin. The calming and soothing scents of this absolute are floral, woody, fruity, herbaceous, camphoraceous. The Styrax Benzoin plant is native to Sumatra in Indonesia.

Uses and Benefits
1. Provides relief from stress, anxiety, depression, and anger.
2. This oil provides potent antioxidant protection that can help to protect the skin.
3. It is also good for your mental relaxation.
4. This oil is helpful in reducing blemishes.
5. Minimise fine lines, relieves dark circles.
6. Brightens dull skin & repairs pigmentation.

Product Name : Styrax Benzoin Absolute
Botanical Name : Styrax Benzoin
Origin :  Sumatra
Appearance & Odor : Amber-brown viscous liquid with a balsamic odor
Methods of Extraction :  Solvent extraction
Additional information
Weight N/A
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