——-All our products are for external use only unless otherwise indicated. ——–
The information contained on website is obtained from current and reliable sources. The information contained herein is true and to the best of MahiShop knowledge. Nothing herein should be interpreted as a recommendation to infringe existing patents or violate any Laws or Regulation. Final determination of the suitability of the material is the sole responsibility of the user. Customers should purchase products from MahiShop with the clear understanding that all products must be used at the customers own discretion and only after referencing Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and all other relevant technical information specific to the product. MahiShop shall not be held responsible for any damages to property or for any adverse physical effects (including injury or bodily harm) caused by insufficient knowledge or the improper use of a product. The user of the product is solely responsible for compliance with all laws and regulations applying to the use of The products, including intellectual property rights of third parties. As with any manufacturing process, MahiShop strongly recommends small lab scale testing for evaluation purposes prior to full commercial manufacturing. The information on the MahiShop website is obtained from current and reliable sources but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. Nothing contained herein should be considered as a recommendation by MahiShop as to the fitness for any use. As the ordinary or otherwise use(s) of this product is outside the control of MahiShop , no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made as to the effect(s) of such use(s) (including damage or injury), or the results obtained. The liability of MahiShop is limited to the value of the goods and does not include any consequential loss. MahiShop shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.